July update

I have just a quick summer update.

-On Leigh and Rick’s story. I had hit a snag (OMG-Leigh is such a private character, she won’t talk to me!!), but things are moving along now.

-Newsletter. I haven’t sent one out for June or July. I’ve been a bit overwhelmed and need to update my website and maybe my newsletter provider. I’m working on that and hope to have things in order soon.

-Books! I have a new idea swirling but I am trying not to give it too much headspace right now. But….it’s gonna be dark and sexy. I just need to finish up a couple of other things first. Like Rick and Leigh…omg my readers AND Rick are going to kill me if I don’t get it finished!

-Appearances. I’ll be at Authors After Dark coming up, August 3-7th. I can’t wait!

-….I dunno. Lol. I’m sure there’s more I need to attend to, I’m sure it’ll hit me after I hit the post button. I hope you are staying cool! *hugs*